Thursday, December 23, 2010

Julian Assange: A messiah or the Satan’s child?

The man who rocked the governments of several countries by making public a barrage of secret documents, WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange finds himself in a soup now.

  The almost 40 Australian’s past (rather private) life is out in the open after two women accused him of sexual assault and some more joining in with their own list of accusations. To top it all, a WikiLeaks’ employee (who wishes to remain anonymous, naturally) has confirmed the two women’s charges, saying they went to the police only because Assange refused to go for an HIV test. The man who calls himself the “middleman” in Assange’s alleged sexual negotiations said he repeatedly told the internet activist to go for the test to save his head.

  Reacting to the allegations of being a ‘promiscuous dictator’, Assange said in an interview, "I am not promiscuous, I just really like women." Well an honest answer, but really which man doesn’t. Whether Assange was wrong in involving himself with ‘so many’ women or whether all those women were stupid to get involved with him, this is a much debatable issue.

  Assange, who is sometimes called the Robinhood of hacking, has opened the Pandora’s Box for the people in power and unsurprisingly, also for himself.

  The numerous revelations by his website have attracted worldwide attention, making the internet activist the talk of the town in almost every country.

  “I enjoy exposing people who abuse their power,” says the man who is being lauded for exposing state and corporate secrets, bringing in transparency and standing up for the freedom of the press. In fact, the long list of celebrities who have come out in his support seems to be growing with each passing day.

  There are, however, also some who believe the famed hacker has embarked on a mission, but a mission that’s highly misguided. His critics question Assange’s selflessness and doubt the whistleblower website WikiLeaks’ philanthropic endeavour.

   Whichever list may one belong to, be it his supporters or the critics, one can simply not ignore what the man has achieved within a short span of 4 years -- the power he asserts and the uproar he led to (he’s still the top news).

   Assange’s global crusade, his ensuing arrest and his followers continuing work on his agenda even after his detention have also led to his comparison to something as absurd as the ‘anti-Christ’ (well everyone has the freedom of thought).

   The year 2010 will be remembered as the one when a lot came out of the closet, the ‘spill the beans’ year for the world, thanks to the down under man. (Not to forget, 2010 being a period of uncanny disclosures in our own backyard and Assange had no hand in it.)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Life, Lessons and Living

Walking down an empty lane,
Raindrops falling on window panes.
Walking to an unknown place
In search of some peace, some solace.

Stopping to see the thunderous sky,
The beauty of heaven makes me sigh
So many unfulfilled wishes
So many unrealized dreams
Make me feel like crying,  

Make me scream.

But life teaches you 
Such wonderful lessons
It says whatever happens,
It happens for a reason.

So I will keep walking,
And I will keep talking
Because life is not static
And living is not stopping.


A Touch, A Whisper

In the nights when I cry
Watching the silent sky
Life feels so blue
When will I be through?
With the troubles galore.

But then a touch on my
Shoulder, a whisper in
My ear, says, Do not be
Scared, Life is not
Always fair. You just
Have to keep going on
And on.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

I speak, I breathe
I climb, I crawl
I rise, I stumble
I strive, I fall.

I try, I fail
I cry, I wail
But, it is all me
And it will always be.

Because I believe in Me.

My hopes, My dreams
My joys, My sorrows
My yesterdays, My tomorrows
They are all mine
And so they will always be.

Because I believe in Me.

When life will pass me by
Then I will see it all
The laughing me, the frowning me
The proud me, the crying me.

I will leave this place in peace.
Because I believe in Me.


I am a Woman

I am a woman
I am an entity.
Not meant to have a life
No hopes, no aspirations
for me.

I am a woman
I become a liability
If I dare to scream
If I dare to dream.

I am a woman
I am a thing to be owned
A thing to be trained
A thing to be maimed.

I am a woman
I can not laugh out loud
Can not be outspoken
I can not be proud.

I am a woman
I should cook, wash and feed
If I choose to be different
I become a healthy garden’s weed.

I am a woman
I can not choose a life for me
Others will dictate it
The way they want it to be.

I am a woman
But like them, I am human too
A heart also beats inside me
I am also alive, yes its true.

Even in chains, I am a woman
And a woman I will always be
The day is not far away
When I’ll finally break free.

Then they will scream, they will shout
They will sigh and cry
But I will be far, far away
Flying high into the sky.

Yes, I am a woman
And I will be free.

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Light in the Sky

In the darkness, like the brightest star, 
Healing all of my hidden scars,
Giving a gentle push to my dreams,
The hopes that had died have 
suddenly, come alive, it seems.

A new dawn, a new way to look at life, 
Something tells me, 
I shouldn't give up,
I should strive.
Its incredible, unbelievable, 
but still, yes its true,
No moment is dark anymore, 
no feeling blue.

Wonder what has changed, 
Is it life or is it me,
Never knew how moving,
little, little things in life could be.

The colours of the rainbow, 
the swinging trees,
the flowing of the rivers,
the humming bees,

They all seem to be whispering 
deep into my soul,
Everything is anew, 
My life feels whole.

Walking down the roads, 
taking a stride, 
A happy feeling of you 
by my side.

Whichever way 
the roads may bend, 
I hope they go on forever, 
I hope they never end.

Have learned to brush off dust, 
Stand again after a fall,
Have seen a new light in the sky,
Have heard my heart's call.
